Buongiorno...Mio Blog!
I'm fine!
More or less ... Idem
morning he went to collect the results of my analysis and appear to be in place.
My doctor gets in the afternoon but from what little I know seems to read that all values \u200b\u200bare normal.
I have an iron deficiency, but that almost always one and then ... thing that pisses me off: I
cholesterol at 217! Never happened!
Two more months and I hardly eat and your cholesterol goes up. Why
pisses me off? Why
recently to Idem is well below 200, and he eats all the junk as possible, including any kind of chocolate that I buy for children or for friends ... So I
there is a doubt in your opinion, my blog, you can "forward" cholesterol with a single kiss, albeit intense, but since a long long time ago??
Find an answer ...
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