Monday, May 31, 2010

How Long Do Unused Fire Extinguishers Last

wonder of mother nature and !!!!!!! Brushes

Sabato siamo stati a pulire il “nostro” gioiellino!! Ci troviamo in linea di massima una volta all’anno, in simpatica compagnia, a pulire la chiesetta di San Rocco a Porza, la scalinata che porta alla chiesa, il boschetto e tutto intorno alla chiesina… che è proprio piccolina….. Matteo ha persino trovato un bel porcino!!! Vero vero….nè…. alla fine di maggio poi….. scherzi della natura….

Digital StillCamera Digital StillCamera

PICT4382 esattamente 13 anni fa mi sono sposata proprio qui….. che ricordi…..

Digital StillCamera Digital StillCamera

alla fine tutti soddisfatti ci siamo seduti e ci siamo ben rifocillati… ma mi mancano le foto…..

qui sotto vi lascio i miei lavoretti che avanzano, tra impegni vari,

album micio miao mullins micio miao mullins

Design Renée Mullins rev. Patrizia Somazzi

Digital StillCamera

Design Maxine Thomas

album anna dirri

Design Anna Dirri - rev.Patrizia Somazzi

baci e a presto!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gallbladder Pain With Flu


.. hopefully! For two days I try to upload the video clips of Coolbreezers "It's electro", where I participated as a "washing of cars," but I can not ... too heavy for the file? I do not think ... oh well, I'll try again! Meanwhile, if you like, you can see it here
The photos are in the post are the backstage video .... luckily there was a very hot, separately and then the 'soapy water, that I really shined as a machine, it was fun, and bizarre, given that the car wash was on the road and open, then we have attracted a little attention ...
... and now enjoy this 50's car wash !!!!! hello!!

PS photos in this post are all Ilaria brugnotti

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vegetable Chow Mein Nutrition Info

... 40 style !!!!!

I'm back here ... have been busy day for our Zazie, but finally, here's a little 'time to write! By the way, will be back soon also video of the mythical Zazie, only a few days and then there will be new pearls of wisdom!
Meanwhile, it is vital to speak the evening of our 40 years .... Mademoiselle has been a an evening 40 years, so a little 'retro sixties for her that is so, but apparently it was a success. The evening was fantastic, and they have also talked about newspapers and television: yesterday, The Day today, this weekend ClassLife channel 505 on Sky, Fashion TV, and soon ... an event worthy of note, I would say! Every feeling tied to that moment was great, agitation of the days earlier, the adrenaline rush pre-show, the final relaxation in front of a plate of pasta at midnight ... I look forward to a repeat everything one more time!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is Donation Of Office Space Tax Deductible

industrious nr. 2 ... ... ... Rainy Weekend

Vuol proprio dire che la primavera si fa attendere…. e fra un po’ mi metterò a danzare per avere qualche giornata di sole…..

Ecco gli ultimi lavori eseguiti….

Digital StillCamera   Digital StillCamera Sandra Malone

Digital StillCamera Maxine Thomas

Il portachiavi con disegno di Maxine Thomas al momento è fermo per questioni di incapacità di lavorare bene con lo stippler…. infatti meglio stendere un velo pietoso sui fiori dell’album di Sandra Malone….

Me lo porterò all’incontro mensile, che si svolgerà tra qualche giorno e vedo se un’opera pia mi fa vedere per filo e per segno come si deve usare il pennello …

a presto e ringrazio tutte voi che lasciate commenti nel blog!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Print A Lease Agreement

Never in my closet ...

Oh finally! It was a life that I wanted to have a blog just to make the charts (in my opinion, of course) of the ugliest shoes that are on the face of the earth, and here I am! I state that the sight of a woman with a bad shoe, not only gives me hives, but it irritates me to levels unimaginable .... tell you how to get a final clearance sale at Chanel (you know, in real life , no slashing, so imagine you ra .. Inc ######) ... then increases the disappointment, making me be an insane killer instinct, if the hideous shoe in question is worn by a beautiful girl .... but Why spoil such ?!?!?!?!?

Ok come on, let's start ....

At number five we find them, the Camperos!! If Madonna when she wore them for a video (among other things have passed at least 10 years now), does not mean we do it too ... even Madonna is wrong then. Of course there is no end to the worst, and there are those who can make them even uglier than combining them with denim shorts cut above the knee. ... Sorry but I quit that the mere image of such a combination is making me turn the head ..

Moving on to number 4: The INDIANINI! There are other stivalacci this year among the trendy girls depopulated city. ... Also there, ok that put them Kate Moss, but like Madonna, Kate Moss is wrong sometimes ..! Needless to dwell on how these boots kill any leg, even the most thin and long, but you know, women are masochistic and like to get hurt ...

Third Place: TOE SHOES WITH MORE 'than the' whole foot! No, we want to talk about it?? And I do not care if they go out of fashion and the shops are just that ... is not it !!!!!!! And really, it's also dangerous walk! You have no fear of tipping ?!?!?!

We are approaching the summit ....

number two: The clogs!! I am number two only because they have also made Karl Lagerfeld, and only because, alas, it gets worse, but they deserve the top spot ... my girls ... but how to think? They are not shoes that give the figura, tra l’altro per l’estate secondo me sono anche un po’ troppo chiuse. Però se qualcuna riesce a convincermi del fatto che vestirsi da contadina olandese sia cool, sono pronta a cambiare idea…

Ma ora, squillino le trombe, rullino di tamburi…posizione numero 1!!!

Le HOGAN!!!!! Senza parole…Ma come si fa a spendere tutti quei soldi per delle scarpe simil- ortopediche?!?!?!? Perché c’è scritto Hogan??? Ma dai….non le metterei neanche se ci fosse scritto Chanel!!!Piuttosto vado scalza!!! Poi questa finta scusa “…sono comode come le sneakers ma hanno un po’ di zeppa, sono più femminili…”…allora: le sneakers sono sneakers, punto! Non ha bisogno della zeppa! Se volete essere femminili mettete i tacchi, quelli veri…

Qui sotto trovate una foto con tutte le posizioni riassunte…io non la guardo neanche che mi viene da star male!!!!


P.S. sono ben accetti suggerimenti e commenti…

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Foto Milena Velba Free

hardworking brushes!

Eccoli qui… finiti pronti da esporre nel prossimo mercatino!!!

Gallina Mullins2

Digital StillCamera   Digital StillCamera

verso                                            back

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Meningitis

If there was ....

Ecco il video di Zazie all' opening di MyYoyo...enjoy!