Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Does Rephresh Make U Bleed


with that of yesterday, Tuesday 8 December 2009, ending my (and my husband's) wandering around the Canton Ticino ... oh well that the term is wandering a bit 'pompous .... but this year we tried the Market Giornico and I must say it was great .... fifty stalls in the town center, in the direction of the museum, everyone, tell everyone they have sold hundreds of passers-by with some bag in his hand .... we have sold very well and we cashed in 5 hours as last year in 3 days ... We did not go to market by Malvaglia dell'incessante rain, and is the second consecutive year that it is raining or snowing that day!! The marketplace that we have done in a piazza in Lugano was really detrimental ... not a soul around, I thank strongly it stopped in front of my stall and appreciated the work on display! The marketplace of Melide yesterday was a success and I thank the people who have gone to see me to report the assessments made by relatives and acquaintances on purchases made previously. It 'was very rewarding! And who can forget the first Bioggio ... .. that's right ... you missed the first market of the Lugano area, and we worked very well ....

now under the orders to begin with ... with the Christmas gifts to end .... children would also Mother's Cookies .... & # 160;

Ahhhhhhhhhhh ... .. the wizard of Umea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name is John ... Slettvol. my arch nemico in campo sportivo visto che è stato l’allenatore per eccellenza dell’hockey club Lugano e chiaramente è l’idolo di mio marito che è supertifoso di quel club!!! Noi siamo andati quest’estate fin su al nord (Sörmjole) a trovarlo…e lui in questi giorni si è ripresentato in Ticino per “salvare” una squadra di hockey… che non è … nè la mia preferita… e nemmeno quella di mio marito!!!!!!!!!!!!!! non aggiungo altro se non che è sposato con Elisabeth… fenomenale donna tuttofare…. e cuoca d’eccellenza…vorrei tanto sapere fare le kanelbülle!!!!



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