Groundhog to post after nearly a month, even though I had written " there will be no more breaks until Christmas ...
Unfortunately the work has left me very little space, but do not want to make excuses, but 'cause basically a blog does not need it:) It
have happened all the colors in the final weeks of tax shields, the delivery of houses to `Aquila , deletion of the Lodo Alfano, the `flood of Messina, and 'hard to choose a topic. I want to resume reporting a
my article that I posted in May, in very difficult times, the Alfano, a post today back of a current 'disarming, I'm sure I riquotero' yet when the process will end Mills' barred! (> LINK <)
About indifference and gall I want to add a video that makes good the idea, the characters are `el Di Pietro Ghedini lawyer.
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