Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Watch Lacrosse Games Online

eccomiqua Hi !!!!! And to show you a new LO I made some time ago.
The dance and hip hop is my passion and this is what I it turns out, are photos of an essay!! I love the red!

Here are the details! I have printed the journaling on the computer with the card and I put rough hidden behind the photo.

and embellishments (the ones in black and white) I have always printed on the rough white cardstock using the fonts that I downloaded on the Internet.

Good giornata!!! ;)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Are My San Pedro Seedlings Turning Red

New challenge!

Come al solito eccomi all'ultimo momento a presentare il mio Lo x la sfida di ottobre di ONE MORE SCRAP.Devo dire che inizialmente ero un po titubante,ma ho colto subitola sfida contro me stessa......Ecco cosa ho fatto!!!

Ecco invece cosa ho trovato all'Ipercoop,veramente troppo belli questi adesivi!!!!

Good night!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sis Prosavage 1680x1050

Arieccomiiiiii !!!!!! Finally !!!!!

Ciaoooooo !!!!!! I'm back, finally on my blog!! I apologize if it is not so much that we updated, but upload all the photos become a thing long and then sometimes I want to go! : P
So come back from a wonderful holiday spent at home by the sea in Versilia with my boyfriend's what I brought to my friend Jade: a bit of shell that you use as embellishments x boxes and various regalucci which makes her a hand!
These are cards with gifts instead of xi birthday ever: Lucy, Sabrina, and Urania!
These instead are the notes I made in July x thank the wonderful women who have occupied more than a card swap ASI.In x Girl with which we exchanged our note scrapbooking!
Questo invece è il biglietto commissionato dal mio ragazzo x il compleano di un nostro amico,devo dire che è piaciuto tantissimo e ne sono molto contenta!!! :D

Come ho gia detto anche queste vacanze le ho passate con il mio ragazzo,e così mi sono detta?Xchè non fargli un bel bigliettino?Ed eccolo qua!!!!!
In fine ecco una carrellata di alcuni LO che ho fatti,prossimamente ne metterò the other, I promise! ;)
This came to me so at once: CIN CIN!!
groped I'm back to the fortune, so the trust in October x Card & remember the theme was autumn and here's what I came out, I very much hope to win!

E x Last but not least, but here's what I came out of the challenge x Hobby Charter.
Here's a detail that I like it too !!!!!

Hello and the next !!!!! ;)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wrist Hurting Alcohol

too long for a girl a little 'distracted

pannello per Sara

Meanwhile, I put these pictures ....

The idea I already have ... .. the rabbit with the hatch is ready to be shady .... There

see if possible before Friday. ... oh yes ... Friday morning I leave for Vicenza, where I plunge into the stands totally dedicated to the country ... to say goodbye to her friends Fiore, Silva, Silvia, Franca, Alessio, Isa, eccccccccetera ... but I will be happy because they will spend three days in the company of my friend Natasha ... you have just unpacked. ... and is ready to belittling to go along with ability .... and then we will grant a romantic stroll in Venice on Sunday ... ...


Monday, October 12, 2009

Can I Get A Tattoo With Step Throat

Solar Decathlon 2009

3 weeks to 1000 students of 20 universities' challenge in building fully functional homes with solar panels.
The real purpose of course and 'to educate, explain and introduce the `alternative energy to new generations .
10 points will be assessed by the courts, moving from the `aesthetic functionality 'of the building.
The houses are open to the public the second and third week of October at the National Mall in Washington DC.
However things go all win in this competition!

PS Someone calls the Gelmini, Berlusconi and Casini ... nothing but cut funding to universities and nuclear

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Running Shoes For Bow Legged People


Groundhog to post after nearly a month, even though I had written " there will be no more breaks until Christmas ...
Unfortunately the work has left me very little space, but do not want to make excuses, but 'cause basically a blog does not need it:) It
have happened all the colors in the final weeks of tax shields, the delivery of houses to `Aquila , deletion of the Lodo Alfano, the `flood of Messina, and 'hard to choose a topic. I want to resume reporting a
my article that I posted in May, in very difficult times, the Alfano, a post today back of a current 'disarming, I'm sure I riquotero' yet when the process will end Mills' barred! (> LINK <)
About indifference and gall I want to add a video that makes good the idea, the characters are `el Di Pietro Ghedini lawyer.