Thursday, March 10, 2011

Inorganic Chemistry Atkins And Shriver

50.000 lire di gettoni

Today I stay at home because we have a problem to solve.
E 'from 20.00 on Tuesday that Mr. "Fix it all but if I'm wrong is your fault"
(aka my husband) is trying to solve it on their own without success.
Result: he went to work and I am "stuck" at home, waiting for someone who is competent to repair the damage!
Since I have nothing to do I open the pc, and after a quick look at your blog (at least to those who always follow), I decided to make a detour on Facebook.
My personal account has been slow to let me in, as if to say "Who are you? Who knows you?"
We almost never go by its parts, but I have several cousins and friends around Italy and that is certainly the quickest way to maintain contacts among all.
Only occasionally, let's see who "make nice".

So last night I discovered that Ditto has posted a video a bit "nostalgic" (I could not find a way to post it here, unfortunately, and I'm sorry because it's cute!
web-imbranataggine Santa!) However
Initial video image is this:

Now ... whereas when he was a sharpshooter used almost all his pocket money military "to hear me, and considering that all the times that I could" buy " 50,000 pounds of chips (really good times! Other phones that !)... you, dear blog, do you think he wanted to tell me something?
Want to know what I think?
1 - that "talk" on FB is un'emerita "s. ........ ata"
2 - who knows very well that I go there just because "surf other beaches" (yes, I responded well when he asked me what the hell am I doing with the pc for so long if I'm not on FB. As if that was the only thing you can do!)
3 - that since yesterday was all day at home could well to answer my questions if I do not want to talk about her.

That said, my blog, tell me how the hell do I "back to earth"??
As I will explain that those two guys are gone? Gone forever!
Or better ... she had survived, despite everything, but because of his "not lend a hand" is about to embark on a process of "reincarnation"!
smile ...:-)

Ps: you say that it was better to go out? I agree!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Aka Marianna/staci Diamond

Buio in sala: The Truman show

"If anything there rivedessi, good afternoon, good evening and good night."

This is certainly the most famous phrase of this 1998 film directed by Peter Weir and starring Jim Carrey and Ed Harris.

Truman lived and worked for 30 years in the quiet town of Seahaven. In fact some dreams of escape from his life and to travel. But there is always something that would prevent that. Until one day he discovers that his life takes place, since its inception, literally in the spotlight, under the eyes of hundreds of cameras, and all the people around him (including his wife and his best friend) are not that other actors. Seahaven is none other than a giant set where he is the only true man (True-man), taken 24 hours to 24. Left
obviously upset by this discovery and look for a way to escape Cristof, the director of this "program" became seguitissimo in America, can not help but become aware of this his rebellion. How will it end? I do not say.
I can tell you that this film is a journey to the center of television, which analyzes the state of mind among those who do and those who watch and analyze the mix that exists between reality and fiction.
E 'a movie for fans of the genre or not. The Truman Show
two years before the arrival of "Big Brother" in Italy, the program called "reality" that will change the kind of television not only by us.
The reality is a world in which many, unfortunately, she longs to be part of.
'll let Truman remains the only one wanting to escape?
I leave you with the words of Cristof (creator and director) and some scenes of the film to the tune of a beautiful soundtrack.

Cristof and Truman:
Who are you?
I am the creator of a TV show that gives hope, joy and enhances million people.
And who am I?
You're the star.
There was nothing to it.
You were true, why it was so nice to watch.

This post participates in the book IN THE DARK ROOM, Wednesday Cinema Mama and Mama C F Born to criminal . Thank you for your hospitality.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Titleist Ap2 Irons Fake

Niente mimose, ma solo rose...

Easy listening ... by Estimated damage


Iphone 3gs Won't Stay On Silent

New jobs! March Challenge

Poi volevo farvi vedere il mio ultimo divertimento il foto-ritocco!!!!Che ne dite,vi piace?

Baci!!E alla prossima!! ;)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Email Confidentiality Statement Sample

Persone...nel web!

Since I have a "life" on the web, I found that: there are people who

Can you get the rainbow in the house when outside and inside of you the sky is leaden.
There are people with a post, comment, an email will make you think and look at yourself and ask "but they are on the right track?
There are people who can create their personal piece of paradise and have the joy of sharing it with nothing to expect in return.
There are people who tell you their experiences in the hope that you draw from it the best.
There are people who go and people who come, but all, if you have the humility to "listen" to let you into something.
There are people who will read from the first post and continue to do so because some feel close to you, or perhaps out of curiosity or because there is a form of virtual friendship.
There are people who make a stretch of road with you and then change lanes, simply because it should be, because as you can hear neighbors sometimes, a monitor and keyboard are not the real life.
And each of these persons has its own reality to return to.
If hundreds of letters that gush on the monitor can give you back the smile in that moment, you must find the right distance to keep that smile even after closing the pc. Why
always, inevitably, back into their daily lives and we should be just enough influence to make it better, to improve and move forward.
There are people who can do it. Other slightly less, because they have fewer choices or less courage to choose or, sometimes, less desire.
There are hundreds ... thousands ...
But people are just ... And these are just
night thoughts ... I

Web? There through water ... my blog!

When Do Men Stop Having Boners


last a week without rain and a sun so late.
the last Sunday of Carnival I did not just pass it in the house.
Although I have not masked, however, I took them downtown to make him throw the confetti and streamers. Their
more fun but it was all pull on me.
My curls were completely filled with buttons of colored paper.
My pleasure, however, was to sit together and hear their laughter and their hands through my hair to remove all the confetti.
the square of the Pincio there were many fewer years than other children dressed up, but in return Piazza del Popolo was full of people.
The parade of children dressed horse was very nice ...
Stellina, who loves horses, it was fun as hell ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Can You Take Excedrin Migraine Daily

Hobby Charter.

Hello people! Just started the new month, and start over ..... the new competitions here than where we HOBBY CARD compulsory elements: color palette of pink, brown, blue and green apple, free theme. Here's what I did: a new layout with my friend Simon, with a photo taken recently when we went with our other friends in Milan!!

Here for details!

How Much It Costs At Jcpenneys Salon


Hello Grandma.
Today marks two years that I can not hear your voice, and as ever this year, or as in this day, I feel your "Hey, beddra! Bbona You?"
Unfortunately I do not think you're somewhere and you look at me even though I'd like to believe.
But I still think of you and I miss you now more than ever!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Renew Norton With The Disc

Groundhog and Marisa Adriana

after metabolized (and it was not clear) a number of personal emotional tribulations ... Groundhog and Adriana and Marisa Renee Mullins. These days I have taken paints and brushes ... I dusted off pretty well for them, put everything on the kitchen table and away .... hobby better than I ever had.
I did not do pictures ... the machine was empty ... ask the girls to send me an email and then publish it. I also started painting the bowl of iron in my lucky sister in law (on holiday in the Maldives with his mom ... (My mother-in-law with a picture of Renee ...)) ... strange true?

maybe post it step by step the work .....

Christmas markets this year have been a disaster! More costs to revenues .... indeed .. virtually no income ....
The snow arrived early had to cancel several dates on the calendar, like pitta practically annulled, desire to participate .... nothing ....
Well ... luckily it is all over, even if some train has left us all. Now start over, spring is coming and want to open the windows and "get away" is stronger than ever.
Fortunately in the house all goes well .... Loris always working and we see over the weekend, Matthew makes no commitment to school (but it ???)!!... currently has some back problem and is starting physical therapy ... Francuzza ended the tour de force in the office and take the time football is coming ... and more are on their way to 50 .... are just around the corner eh ... and give us a nice week far far from home, children, commitments and work!!

vacation planned for the Northern Cape have been canceled for this year .... but We have already remedied .... Always leave in camper ...... but we'll go to France !!!!! and I've already found a small village in Enchanted ... but I forgot the name (I have to go look ....)

Well .... I wanted to write ... and do not tell you now .... (I see almost dawn ...) reminded me now in Latvia under the PIMOne next to Mariton !!!!!!!!
Kisses and thanks if you have arrived here .... you are holy!

soon and there is no excuse!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Message For The Newly Wed

L'insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere...

Dear blog, the last post written and published ... I hope this
closing this week of hell (even though we are only on Thursdays), and I hope to begin to exorcise this period.

Posted on 29-01-'11
The book I'm reading has a whole chapter that talks about coincidences.
In the book there are six coincidences that are so small that the protagonist encounters the woman of his life. If these six factors were not linked, they were not happy together.
I am a somewhat fixed with the known connections ... anywhere ...
I know that life is not like in the books, even as those who feel so our ...
But, dear blog, I say "my chance" tonight. Page 239

He sees her sad for a while and asks ...

"Tereza, tell me! What do you have? Lately something's happening. I feel. I know."
She shook her head: "No, I have nothing."
"Do not deny!"
'It's always the same thing "[...]
" No, Tereza. This time it's something different. Did I ever so ".

Now Idem comes into the room and asks me:
"I see you're wrong ... I do what I want ..."
Not even I look and say: "I want to leave ... do not take it anymore ... you have to leave!"

Here ... I told you!
And even if I cry, and he runs away ... I feel a strange ... ... unbearable lightness ...

Tomas E. .. like ... like to holiday authentic, ie calm from all the emperors, all the "Ess muss sein!"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Street Bmx Ramps For Sale

Quello che hai detto...

Last night I slept for almost 8 hours straight, until the sound of the alarm.
I woke up happy and rested.
Although last night I forgot to do something.
But those words you told me this morning (now Tuesday morning) before I will go out to eat or sleep for another month. And you know why? why do not give a damn! I almost shake hands to write ...
I will shake the voice ... but after seeing averlo detto sei scappato, ti chiamerò comunque per dirtelo. Sono fatta così! Io devo Parlare! Non dovrai mai pensare (se un giorno leggerai) che quello che ho scritto qui sia qualcosa di nuovo per te. Ho bisogno di scriverlo per ricordare e perchè forse un giorno mi servirà rileggere...spero con un sorriso, ma questo non mi eviterà mai di dirti ciò che penso, di discuterne e di litigare se necessario.

Quello che mi hai detto può avere molti significati...però purtroppo non vale per me...perchè per me l'amore conta di più...e a volte, un singolo pensiero può fare più male di mille parole dette...
E l'unica cosa di cui sono contenta è che finalmente hai capito...

Ps: My dear blog, I know you're curious as to what I have never said to make me shake in this way, but more so I can not write ...
E 'since yesterday morning when I try to write but did not help me ... and even if I thought that I had calmed a bit in the afternoon ... I have not sleep ...
PSS: and it's not that I can write it all around!

Seams On My Leather Couch Are Tearing

Hello World!! We wanted to show two cards that I made x two birthdays of two of my friends, I apologize x bad images, but with the is that the bad weather I had to do at home in the evening!!
A x is a girl and a boy the other eto!

Kisses! ^ _ ^

Why Does My Chest Hurt Hours After Exercise

Vieni a ballare in Puglia

It 'been a while that was not listening Caparezza.
recently rediscovered, thanks to sky ... Today
a bit of rhythm in my blog!
... But who wants to return "home" ...

Easy listening ... by Estimated damage