Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Make Principle Only Payments

Second Challenge Scrap Factor Challenge Card & Memorabilia

Eccoci con la seconda sfida di Carta & Ricordi x lo Scrap Factor.

Questo mese devo dire che è stato davvero impegnativo visto che abbiamo dovuto fare un doppio Lo:30x60!!!!!Elementi obbligatori erano:seguire uno sketch,usare bordi scallop e cuciture.

I materiali usati sono:

- BA Bazzill Kraft ;

- Kit di carte ME Kit Love Me Do ;

- Perforatore MS Edge Punch, Doily Lace ;

- Chipboard lettere blu glitterate;

-Fiori PF Prima The Bigger bag ;

- GA Perle trasparenti .

Spero che vi piaccia!!!!! Baci!!! ^_^

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Female Genital Warts On Urethra Opening

Zazie à la plage

He goes to sea! For a few days, just to kill time waiting for the real start in a couple of weeks .... in the meantime I apologize for sciaguratezza with which I am following this blog, but the truth is that I had no time! Heck, I wonder how do "fashion bloggers" who daily publish, publish, publish photos to photos on photo ... congratulations on your devotion to the cause girls! I am preparing new numbers under the heat ... Milan is a pleasure to undress this hot!
we all Good!!